Diálogo Regional Hidalgo 2016 for Android
Este encuentro dará seguimiento a los anteriores foros de intercambio de buenas prácticas en género, justicia y violencia, organizados por la CIM en Buenos Aires (2013), Pachuca (2014) y Medellín (2015) y parte de la idea de que la creación de espacios de cooperación, conocimiento e intercambio de buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas, resulta fundamental para avanzar hacia el pleno derecho de las mujeres a vivir una vida libre de violencia.
26-27 Julio 2016 Pachuca Hidalgo
The American region is the one that has achieved greater progress in the formal recognition of the rights of women, largely arising from the adoption and subsequent national implementation of the Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women (Convention of Belém do Pará).This meeting will follow up on the previous forums for exchanging good practices on gender, justice and violence, organized by the CIM in Buenos Aires (2013), Pachuca (2014) and Medellin (2015) and part of the idea that the creation of areas of cooperation, knowledge and exchange of best practices and lessons learned, it is essential to move towards the full right of women to live a life free of violence.
Pachuca Hidalgo 26 to 27 July 2016