About Anatomi Tubuh Manusia
Anatomy is the study of human body structure, derived from the Greek "ana" which means out or up and "Tomos" meaning cutting or slicing. That is the anatomy is the study of the body structures (human) body nenguraikan by (human) into smaller parts assigned to the smallest, by cutting or megiris body (human) then raised, studied, and examined using a microscope.
Anatomy is divided into two parts:
Macroscopia anatomy, and
Anatomy Microscopia.
Anatomy will be taught to deepen or to understand the science of anatomy macroscopia motion is classified in systematica covering anatomy osteology, arthrologi and mmyologi, and anatomy regionale covering Regio membri superioris (upper limbs), Regio membri inferioris (lower limbs), thoracalis region (chest) and Regio abdominal (stomach)
Anatomi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang struktur tubuh manusia,berasal dari bahasa yunani “ana”yang berarti habis atau keatas dan “tomos” yang berarti memotong atau mengiris. Maksudnya anatomi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari struktur tubuh (manusia) dengan cara nenguraikan tubuh (manusia) menjadi bagian yang lebih kecil kebagian yang paling kecil, dengan cara memotong atau megiris tubuh (manusia) kemudian diangkat, dipelajari, dan diperiksa menggunakan mikroskop.
Anatomi dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu
Anatomi Macroscopia,dan
Anatomi Microscopia.
Anatomi yang akan diajarkan untuk memperdalam atau untuk memahami ilmu gerak adalah anatomi macroscopia yang tergolong dalam anatomi systematica yang meliputi Osteologi, arthrologi dan mmyologi, dan anatomi regionale yang meliputi Regio membri superioris (anggota gerak atas), Regio membri inferioris (anggota gerak bawah), Regio thoracalis (dada) dan Regio abdominalis (perut) English:
Anatomy is the study of human body structure, derived from the Greek "ana" which means out or up and "Tomos" meaning cutting or slicing. That is the anatomy is the study of the body structures (human) body nenguraikan by (human) into smaller parts assigned to the smallest, by cutting or megiris body (human) then raised, Studied, and Examined using a microscope.
Anatomy is divided into two parts:
Macroscopia anatomy, and
Anatomy Microscopia.
Anatomy will be taught to deepen or to understand the science of anatomy macroscopia motion is classified in systematica covering anatomy Osteology, arthrologi and mmyologi, and anatomy regionale covering Regio membri superioris (upper limbs), Regio membri inferioris (lower limbs), thoracalis region ( chest) and Regio abdominal (stomach)
Anatomy is the study of human body structure, derived from the Greek "ana" which means out or up and "Tomos" meaning cutting or slicing. That is the anatomy is the study of the body structures (human) body nenguraikan by (human) into smaller parts assigned to the smallest, by cutting or megiris body (human) then raised, studied, and examined using a microscope.
Anatomy is divided into two parts:
Macroscopia anatomy, and
Anatomy Microscopia.
Anatomy will be taught to deepen or to understand the science of anatomy macroscopia motion is classified in systematica covering anatomy osteology, arthrologi and mmyologi, and anatomy regionale covering Regio membri superioris (upper limbs), Regio membri inferioris (lower limbs), thoracalis region (chest) and Regio abdominal (stomach)
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