Ertiga Matic AR for Android
You have any questions or need more information on Sunday and address send
Worst app ever made
It's not a game
My mum &dad gift.thanks.Super hi look car 2016 ertiga zdi plus s.silver
Very bad game no meaning nothing
Very bad
The game is taking ao much time to download
I love my car ertiga
Khan tauseef
i love ertiga...
good game
Ertiga is always the best
I love the car ertiga
test drive yuk
I love my ertiga
Kebodohan adalah ketika mendownload "game" sebesar 20MB ini. Ini sama aja dengan aplikasi editing foto dimana foto narsis Lo bs ditempel ditembok kota
Hmmm, isee isee (y)
Kulo mboten ngertos
Game parah.... Bermodal dikit kl bkn game bro... Lingkungan 3D ny jgn kaya game zaman bapak gua...
Gak guna. Game mboh maksud
Simulasi koq mesti sambil scan iklannya...
Sumpah dah buang2 waktu aja nyesel donload
V bad i d ont understand this app at all
Poor app Game parah.... Bermodal dikit kl bkn game bro... Lingkungan 3D ny jgn kaya game zaman bapak gua...
???????????? Simulasi koq mesti sambil scan iklannya...
Ga guna Sumpah dah buang2 waktu aja nyesel donload
Good Hmmm, isee isee (y)
Huelek mboh ora weruh Kulo mboten ngertos
by N####:
Don't download . It is just idiotic.