Kumpulan Masakan Tradisional for Android
- Cara Memasak Ayam Goreng Tepung
- Video Resep Ayam Bakar Bumbu Pedas
- Video Resep Ayam Tempe Bumbu Rujak
- Video Resep Cah Kangkung Praktis
- Video Resep Cah Slobor Sawi Putih
- Video Resep Garang Asem Ayam
Masih banyak lagi video didalamnya.
Aplikasi video tutuorial masakan ini akan selalu diupdate, sehingga akan banyak video masakan terbaru yang ada diaplikasi ini. Selamat mencoba.
- How to cook Fried Chicken Meal
- Video Recipe Spicy Grilled Chicken Seasoning
- Video Recipe Chicken Seasoning Tempe Rojak
- Video Cah Watercress Recipe Practical
- Video Recipe Cah Slobor Sawi Putih
- Video Recipe Chicken Garang Asem
There are many more videos in it.
Application video tutuorial these dishes will always be updated, so will a lot of new dishes existing video is applied. Good luck.