Mobile Timetable for Android
When setting up my information, i can not type in the school year, which is making this app useless
No gcalendar sync, no month, week view, no show only specific class option...
Not working!
Cannot select the school year in some of the faculties.
I would like to have more overview options, weekly, monthly...
There are no custamisation options. I really miss setting density (how high the row is), size and colour of text, number of rows (per 30mins, per hour,...), the ADs take too much space on the screen. Its a good idea but poorly made. Combining different timetables and removing some parts (hiding a specific lession) would also be very nice.
Only has like 3 cities wtf
There are no custamisation options. I really miss setting density (how high the row is), size and colour of text, number of rows (per 30mins, per hour,...), the ADs take too much space on the screen. Its a good idea but poorly made. Combining different timetables and removing some parts (hiding a specific lession) would also be very nice.
Zelo slabo narejena aplikacija, tako spletna kot mobilna in app razlicica. User interface se ze prezivi, ampak iz vidika UXa je pa porazno. Kako lahko dostopam do urnika svoje skupine in skupine celotnega letnika naenkrat? Ali pa posebej? Na telefonu moram vsako kljukico (ki so po defaultu vse obkljukane), eno po eno odkljukati, preden pridem do urnika...
by I####:
It looks usefull but app is not showing school years to select, making this app useless..