About 아키엠
국내최초, 국내유일 감리앱, 건축감리, 공사감리, 건축감독, 사진대지, 감리일지, 체크리스트, 실시간 검측, 현장조사, punch list, checklist, 工事監理, 現場調査, construction supervision, construction management
◎ 상담문의
070-8786-3540 이정훈 차장
서울시 금천구 디지털로 9길 32(가산동60-5) B동 505호
건설감정 정보화 전문회사 씨엠엑스 Korea's first and only domestic Methodist apps, construction supervision, construction supervision, construction supervision, photos Land, supervision diary, checklists, real-time detection, scene investigation, punch list, checklist, 工事 监理, 现场 调查, construction supervision, construction management
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◎ Consultation
070-8786-3540 Deputy Frank
Seoul collar 9 to a digital road 32 (dong 60-5) B East No. 505
CMP Information Ltd specializes in construction sentiment X