الملتقى العربي للتدريب for Android
كما يصاحب الملتقى معرضاً متخصصاً يضم ثلاثاً وتسعين جناحاً للجهات التدربية والاستشارية والحكومية والخاصة والمهتمة في صناعة التدريب، لفتح آفاق من التعاون بين المدربين و ومراكز التدريب من جهة والتعريف بكافة مجالات التدريب وأدواتها الحديثة من جهة أخرى، إضافة إلى تسع فعاليات للتدريب بالترفيه.
Arab Forum for Training - discusses the training industry in the Arab world; the goal of emphasizing the importance of building Tdrbah professional organizations, to systems integrated, to contribute to building the human being in a practical way to achieve intellectual sustainable development; through individual balance in all areas of life, and create collaborative partnerships at the regional and Arab level. to achieve this shift in the training industry, in addition to seventy-five training workshop process; to contribute to the direct benefit in all areas of the wheel of life.As the attendant Forum specialized exhibition featuring three and ninety suites authorities Altdrbah and advisory, public and private interested in the training industry, to open the horizons of cooperation between the trainers and training centers on the one hand and the definition of all the training and modern tools of the other areas, in addition to nine events for the training of entertainment.