About SafeHero
Your family, your friends, your wife wants to know if you are alright.
The application will let you send a SMS letting them know that everything is ok.
With SafeHero you will do this really fast.
- Drag the button down and a simple message will be sent: “The Hero is alright.”
- Drag the button up and the message will include a Google Maps link with your current location
- Drag from left/right and an "Alert" message will be send in case the user is in danger
- Click the button and send a custom message
Image that you will have to catch a flight, you are in aeroport with lots of luggage, your hands are full but you mom wants to know if you arrived on time. SafeHero can send her a short message with your location included so she will know that you are fine. In this way you will avoid writing long messages, will save you time and in the same time will make your loved ones happy.
SafeHero can be used by kids as well. To keep them motivated you can set a “GIFT” and a certain number of points that will need to be reached in order to receive the gift. When a message is sent they will receive 5 points (or 10 if the message include the location).
Also you if you want to reward them for using/learning new words you can prepare some “Special Words”: each special word will have a number of points which will be added to user’s total ONLY if the word was used in a message.