About Diaspora Tv
Diaspora Tv este o televiziune tematica (de nisa) de inalta definitie ce isi desfasoara activitatea in scopul devenirii uneia dintre cele mai importante societati media on-line care activeaza in domeniul organizarii de evenimente speciale in tara, dar si cu perspectiva extinderii pe plan international, cu o oferta adresata atat persoanelor fizice, cat si persoanelor juridice. Diaspora Tv este deasemenea primul canal de televiziune on-line in format HD, specializat pe evenimente, ce are ca scop informarea de la A la Z in ceea ce priveste organizarea si realizarea oricarui tip de eveniment.
Diaspora Tv promoveaza in cel mai profesionist mod, toti furnizorii din piata evenimentelor, prin pagini personalizate ce includ informatii generale, oferte, fotografii ale locatiilor sau produselor si prezentari video, precum si selectarea automata a produselor si serviciilor oferite de furnizori functie de preferintele utilizatorilor si recomandarea catre acestia in cadrul aplicatiei de event-planning.
Aici vei afla in permanenta lucruri noi, articole interesante, interviuri cu cei mai mari profesionisti din domeniul evenimentelor, ultimele tendinte din fashion si make-up, prezentari de moda exclusive, emisiuni educative, organizari targuri si expozitii, emisiuni de consultanta, traditii si obiceiuri, informatii de ultima ora, acorduri prenuptiale, stil, logostica si finalizarea pregatirilor de nunta. Diaspora Tv asigura deasemenea transmisiuni LIVE pentru orice eveniment, exclusiv axat pe formatul pe care televiziunea noastra il promoveaza!
Diaspora Tv intentioneaza sa produca programe informative interesante, avand ca target publicul larg ce doreste sa se informeze si sa-si completeze cunostintele in materie de planificarea si organizarea unui eveniment personal, la un nivel de inalta tinuta profesionala dar si emisiuni de divertisment. Diaspora is a television Tv theme (niche) high definition operates in order to becoming one of the leading online media company active in the organization of special events in the country but also internationally with the prospect of enlargement, with an offer addressed to both individuals and legal entities. Tv Diaspora is also the first online television channel in HD, specialized events aimed information from A to Z in terms of organizing and carrying out any type of event.
Tv Diaspora promotes the most professional way all the suppliers in the market events, personalized pages include general information, offers, products and place photos or video presentations, and automatic selection of suppliers of products and services based on user preferences and recommendation by them in the application of event-planning.
Here you will always find something new, interesting articles, interviews with leading professionals in the field events, the latest trends in fashion and make-up, fashion exclusive educational programs, organizing fairs and exhibitions, consulting programs, traditions and customs , latest information, prenuptial agreements, style, Logostor and complete preparations for the wedding. LIVE TV Diaspora also provide for any event exclusively focused on our television format that promotes it!
Tv Diaspora plans to produce interesting news programs, targeting the general public who wishes to be informed and to fill knowledge to the planning and organizing an event staff at a high professional level as well as entertainment programs.