About TrawTrump
great,no first,You have not instald this app? it not important?!! Wrong. it's wrong.
The app is gonna be uge. It'll be the biggest app.
It's gonna be big, and funny. It'll be the best app. realy
It is the best rump app and Funniest app.
This great app is one of the United States of Amemeica great apps. Trump approved.
edit funny photo,Upload a photo, draw a picture and add text add a stiker
to your favorite living meme. Post it to whatsapp or Twitter or Facebook or other social media
and you'll be uge more and more,by this pratice you'll be the best meme maker out there. you'll be the greatest.
Soon. this app has the most downloads and fastest of all time.
fell free to make your meme and stikers and collect it in big collection big enough to impress your friends and strangers and express your advice.
you need to get it now,
No need to keep that tanning, No longer will you need to comb over your hair,
your luscious locks will flow just like the likes your memes will get.
So start right away, toand MAKE GREAT MEMES.