About プリクラ学園
そんなある日、らぁらは母に頼まれた買い物の途中で南みれぃが落としたプリチケのケースを拾い、本人に届けるためプリパラタウンへのゲートが設置されているPrism Stoneを訪れた。すると、らぁらの頭上に待ち望んでいたプリチケが降って来る。最初は校長の目を気にしてプリパラタウンへ入るのを躊躇していたらぁらであったが、プリパラタウンでみれぃを見つけてプリチケを渡した際にスカウトマスコットのクマが手違いでエントリーしたデュエットオーディションに飛び入りで参加して欲しいと要請される。 5th grade girls, middle from elementary school to attend paprika Gakuen Ara had anyone is Purichike to arrive at invitation tickets to theme parks pre para Town get used to idle to look forward. However, PriPara of elementary school students in the elementary department principal of policy in the paprika Gakuen strictly prohibited, Purichike would have been confiscated as soon as found.
One day, Raara is picked up the case of Purichike the south saw Re~i was dropped in the middle of the shopping was asked to mother, visited the Prism Stone gate to the pre-para Town has been installed to deliver in person. Then, come raining Purichike who was waiting overhead of Raara. At first there was Arade When I was hesitate to to enter to the pre-para Town to mind the eye of the principal, duet that bear scout mascot has an entry in the mistake when you pass the Purichike to find only Re~i in the pre-para Town audition and are requested to want to participate in the jump in to.