About TimeSync
TimeSync este aplicatie perfecta pentru cei care vor sa aiba la dispozitie cea mai noua versiune a orarului de curs.
Astfel aplicatia ofera posibilitatea institutiilor de invatamant ( in special Scoli Generale si Licee ) sa isi incarce propriul orar si sa il distribuie tuturor elevilor printr-o interfata simpla si moderna.
Pentru a solicita accesul la panoul de adaugare al orarelor ( pentru institutia dvs de invatamant ) trimiteti un mail la adresa mircea.sorin.sebastian@gmail.com TimeSync is the perfect application for those who want to have available the new version of the course schedule.
Such application enables educational institutions (especially schools and high schools) upload their own schedule and distribute it to all students through a simple interface and modern.
To request access to panel add the schedules (for your educational institution) please send an email to mircea.sorin.sebastian@gmail.com
by S####:
I was waiting for an app like this. Great job!