About GPEC
Malaysia’s capital city, Kuala Lumpur, will again become the focus of the Police, Emergency & Law Enforcement community when F&R Exhibition and Conference Sdn Bhd host GPEC ASIA - the region’s only exhibition and conference of its kind. GPEC ASIA is an exhibition exclusively for specific members of the enforcement agencies, primarily, the police force as well as other law and security enforcement authorities such as the prisons, customs, immigration, civil defence, the military police and selected private security organisations.
In this era where global security is an uncertainty, law enforcement agencies must be fully equipped with the most current technologies and innovations in the call to prevent, protect, and respond to homeland security requirements and policies set by responsive and responsible governments.Overall, this includes technologies and services in the following fields:
Counter - Terrorism
Combating Criminal Activities
Natural Disasters
Humanitarian and Emergency Aid
Search and Rescue Operations
Land and Maritime Border Security
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence