اشارات المرور for Android
تابع المزيد من تطبيقاتنا الاخرى االقانونية والاسلامية والاخبارية وغيرها على جوجل بلاى اكتب فى بحث جوجل بلاى ashraf sadek وستظهر لك جميع تطبيقاتنا
The application of traffic lights contains dozens of traffic signals necessary to give you a driver's license Note well start screen and press on the steering wheel to run or click on it to stop and learn the signals will move to the next signal after 18 seconds or not to wait Click on the following reference right and return to the previous signal Click on the reference Previous left of the top of the screen there is a list of references will be accompanied by music Cascade signals.He further Aaleghanonah and other Islamic and other news our applications on Google Play type in the search Google Play ashraf sadek and you will see all our applications