About 楞嚴經(楞嚴神咒)
第五會“唵 阿那隸 毗捨提 鞞啰跋阇啰陀唎 盤陀盤陀你 跋阇啰 謗尼泮 虎 吽 都嚧甕泮 莎婆诃”是成就佛。 PROCON old monk Dhamma Shurangama Mantra latest role
Shurangama Mantra five will be the role of:
The first will be the misfortunes, and eliminate years of disaster.
The second would be crossing beings, crossing Heaven beings.
The third will be 15 "Hul Li Tam" is a direct Buddhahood. A "Hul Li Tam" three hundred sixty lofty height, 15 "Hul Li Tam" in one of the direct and Buddhism.
The fourth will be the five "Pan upbraid" is the five lotus.
Fifth meeting "Om A scribe Vaisali mention that scabbard Hello Hello Tuo Li Postscript FA she Pantuo Postscript Pantuo you slander Nigerian FA she Hello Tiger Hum Du Lu Pan Pan sha po urn blame" is the achievement of the Buddha.