About J 精選
我們是「JMALL 傑摩行銷」旗下的網路特惠店,「JMALL 傑摩行銷」專營網路購物、實體通路整合行銷服務;商品全部以批發價銷售供應。
歡迎您直接到店選購取貨;因為出貨量大,商品周轉快速,到店取貨前請先詢問商品是否有庫存,並請參考商店營業時間,以避免您白跑一趟! We are "JMALL Jiemo Marketing"'s Special Internet shop, "JMALL Jiemo Marketing" franchise online shopping, physical channel integrated marketing services; merchandise all at wholesale sales supply.
We occasionally launched limited limited super cheap product, "store newsletter subscription" or join FACEBOOK fan group, keep abreast of the latest and most immediate Specials message!
You are welcome to shop for pickup; since large shipments of goods turnover quickly, please ask to pick up before the store merchandise is in stock, and please refer to the store hours to avoid your Baipaoyitang!