會計考古題 for Android
a. 考題分成”在校生”及”社青組”兩個類別
b. 選擇類別後進入歷屆題庫列表,依據檢定日期近到遠排序
c. 點選題庫後進入第一題,點選”Help”可以看到答案;
d. 測驗完成後立刻顯示得分,可選擇再測驗或是錯誤回顧
e. 點選”錯誤回顧”即進入錯誤題目的列表頁,可review做錯的題目,達到快速複習的效果
※ exam gradually added, there are insufficient places apologize for
Instructions for use:
a. questions into "students" and "Young Adult Group" two categories
b. After selecting the category list to enter the previous exam, according to test dates near to far sorting
. c tap into the first exam questions, click on "Help" you can see the answer;
After the answer click "next question" to continue testing
d. displayed immediately after completion of the test scores, and then choose the wrong test or review
e. Click "error review" that go into the wrong topic list page, you can review the wrong subject, to the effect of rapid review
Answers to the National Council of Labor Affairs announced dominated Skill Test, if the wrong place please email us, thank you