About Albond
This application provides information about our company, our quality policies, our products, product colour options and certificates. You can also contact us through the communication section in order to get further information.
In the colour options section; There are dozens of colour options for our products that are grouped under 6 categories. You can choose your colour preferences from the colour palettes in the application.
In the certificates section, you can review the certificates for each product from relevant organisations.
In the section of quality policies, you can get information about our understanding of quality, our work safety and health policies, our environment and collective impact policies.
From the product properties section; you can get information about fire resistance classes, aluminium properties, panel mechanical properties, paint properties, panel dimensions and tolerances.
In production section; You can get information about warranty, processing guide, maintenance and cleaning, packaging and protective film. This application Provides information about our company, our quality policies, our products, product color options and certificates. You can also contact us through the communication section in order to get further information.
In the color options section; There are dozens of color options for our products that are grouped under six categories. You can choose your color preferences from the color palettes in the application.
In the certificates section, you can review the certificates for each product from Relevant Organizations.
In the section of quality policies, you can get information about our understanding of quality, that worker safety and health policies, collective impact our environment and policies.
From the product section properties; you can get information about fire resistance classes, aluminum properties, mechanical properties panels, paint properties, the panel dimensions and tolerances.
In production section; You can get information about warranty, processing guide, maintenance and cleaning, packaging and protective film.