PDA/FDA ICHQ10 for Android
The ICH Q10 Document is the first time a regulatory guidance has significantly ventured into the area of expectations to senior management outside those of strictly meeting the GMPs. There are now clear expectations to management in terms of sponsorship & support, allocating adequate resources, setting clear roles and responsibilities, and sponsoring continual improvements of the Pharmaceutical Quality System. Quality is no longer just for the Quality Professionals. Quality must be owned by all across the technical disciplines in the company and from the shop floor to the most senior executive.
During this workshop, participants will meet and learn from other industry leaders on how ICH Q10 can be used as an incredibly efficient and powerful way to drive improvements within your company, including improving the predictability of your product supply, proactive identification of quality issues, selecting the right KPIs to drive the right behaviors, and delivering a culture of accountable leaders across the organization.
This is the workshop to attend if you want ‘everything quality in one package' as it relates to expectations of Operations and Executive Leaders in our pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry.