UFAH for Android
Thanks for all your hard work..
Wow,Amazing and very Niche.I have learnt alot by having this app in my phone.Highly recommended
WOW! Amazing!
UFAH amazing app like it
UFAH is amazing app.. very helpfull app.. must use.. this app has amazing interface..
its really amazing and interesting app.Its simply awesome...
UFAH really awesome and excellent app
They were here before us...
King of the apps!
NASA needs to stop lying and tell us the truth ASAP!
Intresting app full of fun I loved it
United Family Of Anomaly Hunters
The shock of the century
Open or eye
I'm trying the other book, "4 Bidden Knowledge," the other book, called, "4 Bidden Science,"which is just as good as this one. Both books are excellent to read and comprehend, don't read the one book, read both of'm. These are thee best books that will show light than the "Ancient Astronauts series. Yeah, but these show things that are still yet to be shown. Let's see an app for your other book, 4bidden Science, how about it. Like an old commercial byline , ' You can't have one, without the other.' Do it!
How do you make an app that requires me to join Facebook to see the content? I don't use Facebook. I was very excited to see the images and perhaps join in discussion with like minded people. There are plenty of blogging websites and forum hosting sites you can use and link people to instead of alienating your fan base. What kind of conspiracy theorist are you?.. Facebook...
Excellent very interesting full of fun,, i love to play this
Wooow Very interesting... Nice graphics i was searching for this no match for this nice interface and great Idea.
I always knew there was life on other planets. Now there is proof!
UFAH Its really awesome and massive app for use,,,, i really like it
UFAH is amazing and very great app. Very nice. love it.
great app. Very interesting and informative.gud work
The most incredible images and evidence if life in our solar system...
Nice App Must Have On Phone.
UFAH is very nice and great app. LOve it.
This app will change the world!!!
by N####:
great app. Very interesting and informative.gud work