Back Exercise for Android
The benefits of Back exercise include increasing strength in your back muscles. You have multiple muscle groups in your back: lats, traps, the core erector muscles along your spine and many more. You use these muscles in many daily activities.
A good back not only gives your physique a wide and powerful look, which immediately identifies you as a bodybuilder, but it also gives you the illusion of having a smaller waist. It’s sad that some recreational bodybuilders neglect their back training simply because they cannot see the body part, and thus, focus solely on training the chest instead. However, they do not have any idea of the big disservice that they are doing to themselves. The best bodybuilders in the world have a phenomenal back.
In summary, this app provides many exercises tutorials :
Bodybuilding workouts: Bent Over Row
Bodybuilding workouts: Kneeling One Arm Row
Bodybuilding workouts: Pulldown-Front, Pronation Grip
Bodybuilding workouts: Hyperextension
Bodybuilding workouts : One Arm Row
Dead lift
Bend To opposite
Scapular Retraction
List of back exercises :
-One-arm dumbbell row
-"Barbell Upright-Row",
"Seated Row-Cable",
"Lat Pulldown-Front",
"Front ChinUp",
"T-bar row",
"Bent-Over Row",
"Back Extension",
"Bent Over-Row Dumbbell",
"Two-Arm Dumbbell"