R3D Carnival for Android
The feature of ‘energy to dazzle’ draws a picture of vitality, energy, youthful vigor, colour and spectacle of sight. Red Carnival focuses on giving its revelers a great party both inside and outside the carnival season.
Red Carnival prides itself on being relentless in creating and offering new ways in which revelers can enjoy the carnival season and the road pageant in particular. The band continuously strives for innovation in band costumes, in activities, in the road experience and in band management. Red Carnival will always find ways and processes to continually energize and re-define itself to remain relevant and contemporary.
Red Carnival has always had revelers who are motivated by revelry and action on the road, possess high energy and want to display the best of their physical attributes. If you meet those criteria then Red Carnival is definitely the band for you. Red Carnival looks forward to joining you on the road for two days of pure fun and revelry.