Imobiliare.NET for Android
Imobiliare.NET este un portal imobiliar care editeaza si revista Imobiliare.NET si detine prima aplicatie care contine ansamblurile rezidentiale noi.
Aplicatia de mobil este proiectata sa ajute utilizatorul sa faca o selectie rapida a ansamblurilor de imobile noi pe baza unor criterii foarte utile:
- Zona in care se afla: Nord, Sud, Est, Vest
- Tipuri de locuinte: case, vile, apartamente
- Stadiul constructiei: proiect, finalizat, locuit
- Preturile practicate de fiecare dezvoltator
Internetul este plin de informatii neactualizate sau eronate si asta face din cautarea unui ansamblu rezidential nou o adevarata aventura. Imobiliare.NET valideaza informatiile din portal si aplicatie si asigura utilizatorului accesul la informatii utile si actualizate zilnic.
Legatura dintre utilizatorul aplicatiei si dezvoltatorii care au ansambluri rezidentiale listate in Imobiliare.NET se face intr-un mod cat mai simplu si eficient, iar contactul este direct, fara intermediari si comisionul este zero. Nu exista taxe de utilizare a aplicatiei iar preturile apartamentelor si caselor ce apar in aplicatie sunt cele practicate de fiecare dezvoltator direct.
Instalarea se face pe orice telefon smartphone si nu sunt necesare date personale de identificare.
Drepturile asupra aplicatiei sunt detinute de SC AgentieNET SRL, Bd. Primaverii 39, sector 1, Bucuresti.
Prelucrarea informatiilor se face respectand legislatia in vigoare cu privire la protectia datelor personale, fiind inregistrati la Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal cu Numar Registrul General: 0003657
Application dedicated to the residential houses and new apartments.Imobiliare.NET is a real estate portal that publishes the magazine and holds Imobiliare.NET first application that contains new residential complexes.
Mobile application is designed to help the user to make a quick selection of combinations of new buildings on the basis of very useful:
- The area in which there are: North, South, East, West
- Types of housing: houses, villas, apartments
- Stage of construction: project completed dwelling
- Prices charged by each developer
Internet is full of outdated or incorrect information and that makes looking for a new residential complex a real adventure. Imobiliare.NET validates information portal and user application and provide access to useful information and updated daily.
The link between the user application and residential developers have listed in Imobiliare.NET is done in a more simple and effective, and the contact is direct, without intermediaries and commission is zero. There are no fees for use of application and prices of apartments and houses that appear in the application are those of each developer directly.
Installation is in any smartphone and unnecessary personal data identifiers.
Are owned rights to the SC AgentieNET SRL, Bd. Primaverii 39, sector 1, Bucharest.
Information processing is respecting legislation on personal data protection, is registered with the National Authority Surveillance Data Processing Staff, General Registry Number: 0003657