Giro Mundo for Android
A ideia de abrir a Agência veio da vontade de oferecer um serviço diferenciado com qualidade e profissionalismo.
Sempre em parceria com as melhores operadoras do mercado, a Giro Mundo oferece um leque de pacotes nacionais e internacionais, de acordo com a vontade do cliente, atendendo as expectativas de cada um.
A Giro Mundo realiza, com responsabilidade e experiência, viagens pedagógicas em parceria com as escolas. Os roteiros apresentados são discutidos e adequados aos interesses da escola, de acordo com o cronograma e a grade curricular de cada instituição.
The Spinning World Tourism was founded in March 2007. Their Officers are trained in Tourism and Hospitality Management with a vast experience of more than eight years on the market.The idea of opening the Agency came from the desire to offer a unique service with quality and professionalism.
Always in partnership with the best operators in the market, the Giro World offers a range of domestic and international packages, according to the will of the client, meeting the expectations of each.
The Spinning World performs with responsibility and experience, pedagogical trips in partnership with schools. The roadmaps are presented and discussed appropriate to the interests of the school, according to the schedule and the curriculum of each institution.