Foster Kids And Homeless

Foster Kids And Homeless Free App

Rated 4.08/5 (12) —  Free Android application by Generation Mobile

About Foster Kids And Homeless

This APP is to help Reach runaways, homeless kids and people, starving and hungry, 3rd world poverty, shelters home.

Our goal is to help every child or kid or young person or adult that reaches this app and help them find a shelter or people or a place or church in their community that can help them. We want to help you with your hunger, emotional well being, spirituality, shelter, any ailments or addictions, and anything on your mind or heart that you want to discuss or need help with.

This APP is geared to reach out on tablet, smartphones, iPads, androids, and all other small devices.

Struggling with God?
Suicide is never the answer. Jesus loves you and cares about you, give yourself to Jesus as His friend and he will give you everything you need!

Places and customers our app is reaching:
Montgomery Alabama
Helena Montana
Juneau Alaska
Lincoln Omaha Nebraska
Phoenix Arizona
Carson City Nevada
Little Rock Arkansas
Concord New Hampshire
Sacramento Los Angeles
San Francisco California
TrentonYork New Jersey
Denver Aspen Boulder Springs Colorado
Santa Fe New Mexico
Hartford Connecticut
Albany New York
Dover Delaware
Raleigh North Carolina
Miami Orlando Florida
Bismarck North Dakota
Atlanta Georgia
Columbus Ohio
Honolulu Hawaii
Oklahoma City
Boise Idaho
Salem Oregon
Springfield Illinois
Harrisburg Pennsylvania
Indianapolis Indiana
Providence Rhode Island
Des Moines Iowa
Columbia Missouri
South Carolina
Topeka Kansas
Pierre South Dakota
Frankfort Kentucky
Nashville Tennessee
Baton Rouge Louisiana
Austin Texas
Augusta Maine
Salt Lake City Utah
Annapolis Maryland
Montpelier Vermont
Boston Massachusetts
Lansing Michigan
Olympia Washington
Saint Paul Minnesota
Charleston West Virginia
Jackson Mississippi
Madison Wisonsin

Argentina Buenos Aires
Australia Canberra
Austria Vienna
Bahamians Nassau
Bangladesh Dhaka
Barbados Bridgetown
Belarus Minsk
Belgium Brussels
Bolivia La paz
Bosnia Sarajevo
Botswana - Gaborone
Bulgaria Sofia
Cambodia Phnom Penh
Canada Ottawa
Cape Verde Praia
Chad Djamena
Chile Santiago
China Beijing
Colombia bogota
Comoros Moroni
Congo, Democratic Republic
Costa Rica San Jose
Cuba Havana
Cyprus Nicosia
Czech Prague
Denmark Copenhagen
Dominican Roseau
Ecuador Quito
Egypt Cairo
El Salvador San Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Ethiopia Addis Ababa
Fiji Suva
Finland Helsinki
France Paris
Gabon Libreville
Gambia Banjul
Georgia Tbilisi
Germany Berlin
Ghana Accra
Greece Athens
Grenada Saint George's
Guatemala Guatemala City
Guinea Conakry
Guyana Georgetown
Haiti Port-au-Prince
Honduras Tegucigalpa
Hungary Budapest
Iceland Reykjavik
India New Delhi
Indonesia Jakarta
Iran Tehran
Iraq Baghdad
Ireland Dublin
Israel Jerusalem
Italy Rome
Jamaica Kingston
Japan Tokyo
Jordan Amman
Kenya Nairobi
Korea, South Seoul
Kuwait Kuwait City
Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek
Latvia Riga
Lebanon Beirut
Liberia Monrovia
Libya Tripoli
Liechtenstein Vaduz
Lithuania Vilnius
Luxembourg Luxembourg
Macedonia Skopje
Malaysia Kuala
Maldives Male
Malta Valletta
Marshall Islands Majuro
Mexico city
Moldova Chisinau
Monaco Monaco
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar
Montenegro Podgorica
Morocco Rabat
Namibia Windhoek
Nepal Kathmandu
Netherlands Amsterdam
New Zealand Wellington
Nicaragua Managua
Niger Niamey
Nigeria Abuja
Norway Oslo
Panama Panama City
Paraguay Asuncion
Peru Lima
Philippines Manila
Poland Warsaw
Portugal Lisbon
Russia Moscow
Saint Lucid
Saudi Arabica
Singapore Singapore
Africa Pretor
Sudan juba
Spain Madrid
Sudan Khart
Sweden Stockholm
Thailand Bangkok
Trinidad Tobago

United Kingdom London
United States America Washington D.C.
Vatican City Vatican City
Venezuela Caracas
Yemen Sanaa Zimba

The App is to help people help others through the greatest gift one can give and that is love and time. We appreciate any and all feedback to make this app better.



Foster Kids

How to Download / Install

Download and install Foster Kids And Homeless version 1.399 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.app_fosterkids.layout, download Foster Kids And Homeless.apk

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App History & Updates

More downloads  Foster Kids And Homeless reached 1 000 - 5 000 downloads
More downloads  Foster Kids And Homeless reached 500 - 1 000 downloads
More downloads  Foster Kids And Homeless reached 100 - 500 downloads

What are users saying about Foster Kids And Homeless

by S####:

Cheeky, yet familyness.

by F####:

Good find of information

by D####:

I love this idea and as well I'm going to pass it on.

by N####:

Will share and look forward to new updates

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Rating Distribution

12 users







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