About Drag Racing
Друзья! Рады представить вашему вниманию приложение Drag Racing. Здесь представлена информация о мероприятиях проводимых сообществом Drag Master (чемпионаты, гонки, покатушки и пр.) Также здесь вы найдете тех. регламент гонок, календарь чемпионата, видео, фотографии и много другой интересной и полезной информации.
Friends! Are pleased to announce the application Drag Racing. It provides information about the activities of community Drag Master (championships, races, pokatushki and so on.) Also here you will find the technical regulations, racing championship calendar, videos, photos and lots of other interesting and useful information. Friends! We are pleased to announce the application Drag Racing. Here is information on the activities carried out by the community Drag Master (championship race pokatushki and so on.) Also, here you will find those. Regulations racing championship calendar, videos, pictures and a lot of other interesting and useful information.
Friends! Are pleased to announce the application Drag Racing. It provides information about the activities of community Drag Master (championships, races, pokatushki and so on.) Also here you will find the technical regulations, racing championship calendar, videos, photos and lots of other interesting and useful information.