About Farmacia DONA
O farmacie unde sa primesti: consiliere, ganduri bune, sfaturi utile atunci cand ai nevoie de ele si nu in ultimul rand, medicamentele si produsele care iti sunt necesare atunci cand esti bolnav.
Au fost vremuri bune, dar si mai putin bune, multe s-au schimbat, insa noi am incercat sa fim aceeasi farmacie de care tu ai nevoie. Astazi avem peste 200 de puncte la nivel national, iar farmacistii DONA incearca zilnic sa-ti fie aproape. Datele statistice demonstreaza: lunar ne viziteaza peste 900.000 de pacienti.
Iti oferim o gama variata de cosmetice, dermo-cosmetice, produse dietetice, suplimente nutritive, articole tehnico-sanitare si multe alte produse care sa te ajute sa ramai sanatos sau sa-ti recapeti sanatatea.
Credem in valorarea umana si sustinem preventia, de aceea in Farmaciile DONA vei fi intampinat cu atentie, grija, empatie, dar mai ales cu respect. A pharmacy where to get: advice, good thoughts, tips when you need them and not least, drugs and products that you need when you're sick.
There were good times, but also less good, much has changed, but we tried to be the same pharmacy that you need. Today we have over 200 points nationwide and pharmacists DONA trying to be your almost daily. The statistics show: over 900,000 monthly visits us patients.
We offer a wide range of cosmetics, dermo-cosmetics, dietary supplements, plumbing products and many other products that help you stay healthy or regain your health.
We believe in and support the prevention of human been stabilized, so in DONA pharmacies will be greeted with attention, care, empathy, especially with respect.
by Z####:
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