About Art aNew - Gallery Café
Art aNew 於2011年10月正式在台中成立。
採取Art Salon的經營模式,以咖啡廳複合展覽空間,降低大眾對於展覽空間觀感上的距離,空間內的所有座位安排與動線以當期展覽為主而加以增減調整的經營方針,策劃或承辦各種類型的展覽,從油畫、攝影到錄像、空間裝置、實驗劇場.並提供品質優良的咖啡/茶品使得藝術品與大眾更加貼近、互動,用一杯咖啡的時間讓藝術家、收藏者與大眾之間建立溝通的平台,分享彼此的理念與生活。
Art anew gallery café established in Oct 2011. With unique attitude to combine art and café salon in Taichung, planning or executing various types of exhibitions and lectures, including paintings, photography, videos, installations and experimental theaters. Art aNew in October 2011 formally established in Taichung.
Take Art Salon's business model, cafes composite exhibition space, reducing the public perception of the exhibition space on the distance, all within the space seating arrangements and dynamic lines to increase or decrease the current to be adjusted while the exhibition based business policy, planning or undertake all types of exhibitions, from painting, photography to video, spatial installations, experimental theater. And to provide good quality coffee / tea making art and the public closer, interactive, with a cup of coffee for artists, collectors and the public to establish communication between the platform to share each other's ideas and life.
Art anew gallery café established in Oct 2011. With unique attitude to combine art and café salon in Taichung, planning or executing various types of exhibitions and lectures, including paintings, photography, videos, installations and experimental theaters.