Afetur Viagens for Android
Vimos nos destacando pela qualidade, responsabilidade e segurança das nossas operações, realizando, ano após ano, viagens para o Brasil e Exterior sem qualquer registro de acidentes ou incidentes, atestando a forma criteriosa com que são selecionados nossos parceiros e fornecedores (cia. aérea, ônibus, hotéis, restaurantes, guias etc).
Somos também uma empresa consciente do nosso papel social. Dentro do programa Empresa Socialmente Responsável, são mantidas várias ações, entre elas o “Projeto Felicidade” criado para recuperar a auto-estima de crianças carentes com doenças graves, através do turismo.
Na sua próxima viagem, consulte-nos.
A TRAVEL AFETUR is a family business, run since 1993 by the couple Murilo Santa Cruz and Eveline C. Rolim, with a remarkable performance in the tourist market of Fortaleza, where he has focused its activities mainly on the pedagogical tourism, business tourism segment ecotourism and adventure, as well as in the leisure and entertainment tourism.We saw in highlighting the quality, accountability and security of our operations, performing year after year, traveling to Brazil and abroad without any record of accidents or incidents, attesting to the careful way they are selected our partners and suppliers (Air Co., buses, hotels, restaurants, guides etc).
We are also a company aware of our social role. Inside the Socially Responsible Company program are maintained various actions, including the "Happiness Project" created to recover the self-esteem of disadvantaged children with serious illnesses, through tourism.
See us on your next trip.