About 21st Century
This app is designed to enable parents, teachers and students to communicate better. It provides directions to events, notices to parents, learning enrichment games and access to student handbooks. It provides contact information. It will enable users to send pictures of events to share with 21st Century parents and students. The APP will start the enrollment process.
The 21st Century Preparatory School, a 4K-8 independent charter school, opened in fall 2002 through authorization from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside and the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents. The charter is held by Racine Charter One, Inc., a Wisconsin 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation whose nine-member board of directors, including an ex-officio representative of the UW-Parkside Chancellor, oversees school operation. The school is administered by a five-member leadership team led by the school’s Executive Director.
We maintain a small teacher to student ratio by capping our class sizes at 20.
Our school day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m. The longer school day enables students to receive more instructional minutes in the core subject areas as well as special classes such as music, physical education, art, and STEM. We also have a mandatory, three-week summer school session to prevent the summer slide in learning that can occur with a traditional school year.
We now have a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) specialist. Using LEGOs and other hands-on materials, students will have the opportunity to use critical thinking skills at the earliest levels.
Four times a year, our school participates in school wide learning days, known as Encore Days, centered around a theme. The goal is to build community while promoting deeper understanding of topics at each grade level. The Encore Days include Science, Service Learning, Global Awareness, and History. Another way community is encouraged is through our morning rituals. In 4K through kindergarten, students listen to the daily announcements which includes the Pledge of Allegiance, lunch menu, birthdays, joke of the day, a character trait review, shout outs for good behavior, and the Knight's Code.
Since we are a public charter school, we follow the requirements for teacher certification as set by the Wisconsin Department of Instruction. Teachers continue their education and complete Professional Development Plans in order to stay certified.
Children with physical, emotional, behavioral, sensory, and/or learning disabilities may need special education services and accommodations. As an independent charter school, 21st Century Preparatory School provides the fundamentals of special education as defined in federal and state law.
For students who require additional academic challenge, we offer Gifted and Talented services as required by state statute 121.02(1)(t). Students are tested each spring, and a differentiated education plan is created for each student.
We offer a variety of free after school enrichment programs including Math Club, Chess Club, Drama Club, Creative Kids Club, Camp Invention, and Gateway Sumobots. Additionally, students can join reading enrichment programs such as Battle of the Books and the Racine-Kenosha English Festival. In fifth through eighth grade, boys can join the basketball team, while the girls can be on a cheerleading squad.
Our school was named as one of 10 schools in the state of Wisconsin to be selected to participate in Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT). This family engagement model encourages collaboration between classroom teachers and parents. Together, teachers and parents analyze student achievement data and set instructional goals.