Mundo Estética for Android
Disponibilizamos materiais de qualidade sobre os mais variados assuntos e tecnologias, reunimos o que há de melhor nesse universo que é a Estética para agregar ainda mais conhecimento e valor aos profissionais. Além de toda parte científica abordada por profissionais da área com ótimas referências da literatura, ensinamos sobre empreendedorismo, marketing, gestão, contabilidade, para que o profissional aplique e faça seu negócio decolar.
Application for Aesthetic professional to upgrade and learn various health techniques, aesthetics and wellness. The World Aesthetics helps beauticians and health professionals to follow the news, market trends and also to learn and improve protocols and procedures in the area.We offer quality materials on a variety of issues and technologies, we gather the best there is in this universe that is aesthetics to add even more knowledge and value to professionals. In addition to all scientific part addressed by professionals with great references from literature, we teach about entrepreneurship, marketing, management, accounting, for the professional apply and make your business take off.