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용인대 정도태권도에서는 사설교육기관이기보다는 제2의 가정으로서 역할을 충실히 수행하여 모든 수련생들이 올바른 인격체, 자신과 이웃을 사랑할 수 있는 리더로 성장할 수 있도록 교육하고 있습니다. 즐거움 마음으로 미래의 꿈을 키울 수 있는 저희 정도태권도에서 자녀들의 꿈을 키워갈 수 있기를 바랍니다.
항상 우리 제자들과 부모님 곁에서 최선을 다해 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다.
용인대 정도태권도 큰사범 함명주 올림 Yongin University Taekwondo degree
Apply The goal is to lead the children to grow into an honest man.
Hello parents.
Yongin University Taekwondo is a large master degree must silk.
Of world sport, the world mudoin Taekwondo, Tae is recognized worldwide rights Figures.
Taekwondo is a container.
Taekwondo is a challenge.
Taekwondo is a discipline.
Taekwondo is a stepping stone for a happy life.
In order to raise children nowadays wealth, indifference, I have heard the joke sound intelligence that is needed.
Find a tutor spend a lot of money to take the exam if well educated geotyijiyo that the child can succeed. As well as manage your GPA and SAT I do not know if looking at the well go to a good college can be a bit easier to start a social life.
But that's all.
The society will not tolerate a passive talent literally walked the road gave parents made.
Walk the easy way out and do not even recognize the person to give up easily.
Getting the right training, you can choose for yourself and act on their own to succeed raised the value of a true leader.
The study is first cooked with the head, not the body and mind are assets that will keep for a lifetime.
So do Hiji easily forgotten.
Malyijiyo act as true as they get used to the habit that is easy to change.
You will know the importance of the first button.
Basic, basic, start is important.
Ramrod posture and attitude, speech, manners, etc ...
And patience, perseverance and practice must be followed in order to have followed the correct habits.
So the real education is not that you can try anyone.
Children do not like to repeat, easier to give children, children with no manners ... as much as our children are equipped with capability and competitiveness in other children not knowing to wait patiently look will draw significant future growth. So Taekwondo chapter can not be a playground.
I would like to begin to bear that in ordinary given special attention and love to them, one by one, with a different personality and different looks.
Better is a little bit of fun, to share joy, fun challenging, fun to patience, a pleasure to thank you, I want to share the joy overcame defeat to jaedojeon.
Yongin University Taekwondo degree in private educational institutions, rather than to fulfill a role as the home of the second, all practitioners have the right person, and training to help you grow as a leader who can love yourself and neighbor. We hope to raise future enjoyment hearts go foster their children's dreams we dream about in Taekwondo.
We will try our best parents always side with our pupils. Thank you.
Yongin University Taekwondo great masters degree must silk lift