About Visit Northam
Northam is a bustling country town within the Shire of Northam, a progressive Regional Centre servicing the Central Agricultural District of Western Australia (WA). Northam is nestled besides the beautiful Avon River (renowned for its spectacular annual white water event ) and is just one hour (approx) via road or rail travel from the state's capital City, Perth. As a Heritage destination Northam is second only to the Port City of Fremantle in its number of historically significant buildings, and third in the state overall for the total number of Heritage listed buildings. The App provides a fascinating insight into the town's historic past to the present day, with GPS directions guiding you to a wide variety of well preserved buildings of Heritage interest of which many remain in use. The App provides a short summary of each feature on this walking Tour along with selective imagery.
There is also an annual events calendar - plus information on where to stay and eat and other essential facts useful to visitors - including instant messages, real time alerts and weather forecasts. The "Visit Northam" app will include new tours, plus receive regular Tour updates and occasional instant messages. Please check the app for the latest updates after installation on to your mobile device, and during your visit.
This initiative was made possible by the State Government's Royalties for Regions program.
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