About Zendra - Detectivi particulari
In urma experientei dobandite in securitatea privata am realizat ca lipseste un lucru foarte important pentru ca notiunea de securitate sa fie completa. Acest lucru era detectivul. Asa a luat fiinta ZENDRA Business Intelligence and Detectives, o companie ce doreste sa ii aduca beneficiarului servicii complete de securitate, supraveghere, investigatii si consultanta, servicii din ce in ce mai accesate atat de mediul de afaceri cat si de catre persoanele particulare care traiesc cu teama ca sunt inselate ori tradate si vor sa stie adevarul. Adevar, in functie de care, pot lua decizi corecte in afacerea lor sau in viata lor personala.
Astfel, clientii ne pot solicita informatii despre conduita si moralitatea publica a unei persoane, despre solvabilitatea ori seriozitatea unei persoane fizice sau juridice, potentiala partenera într-o afacere, despre persoanele disparute de la domiciliu, despre identificari de adrese ori conditia economico-sociala si moral-etica a unor angajati sau viitori angajati.
In plus, oferim servicii de asigurare a protectiei impotriva scurgerii unor informatii din sfera vietii private sau a activitatii agentilor economici care doresc sa pastreze confidentialitatea acestora ori servicii de urmarire, supraveghere si investigatii in relatiile de cuplu cu respectarea stricta a drepturilor si libertatilor cetatenilor, precum si a dispozitiilor legale.
Avem in vedere ca in viitorul apropiat sa incheiem parteneriate cu institutiile publice cum ar fi Politia Romana, Parchetul General, Directia Nationala Anticoruptie dar si cu case de avocatura sau notariale astfel incat activitatea detectivilor nostri sa aiba finalite in cazul in care situatia o va cere.
Ne dorim ca profesionalismul si seriozitatea sa ne defineasca si sa ne recomande in viitoarele parteneriate. Following the experience acquired in the private security I realized that lacks one very important thing because the notion of security to be complete. This was the detective. So was born ZENDRA Business Intelligence and Detectives, a company that wants to bring her beneficiary full service security, surveillance, investigation and consulting services in increasingly accessed both by businesses and by individuals living with fear that they cheated or betrayed and want to know the truth. Indeed, depending on who can make the right decisions in their business or in their personal lives.
Thus, customers we may request information about public morality and conduct of a person's creditworthiness or credibility of a natural or legal person, a potential partner in a business, about people missing from home, about identifications address or social-economic condition and moral ethics of employees or prospective employees.
In addition, we provide assurance of protection against hacking information from private life or business undertakings wishing to preserve their confidentiality or services tracking, surveillance and investigations in couple relations by strictly respecting the rights and freedoms of citizens as well and legal provisions.
We intend in the near future to conclude partnerships with public institutions like the Romanian Police, the Prosecutor General, the National Anticorruption but also with law firms or notary so work Detectives our have final when the situation demands it.
We want our professionalism and seriousness to define and recommend us in future partnerships.