About Rigvedadibhashyabhumika
Swami Dayanand's supreme efforts in life was to give back to the world the Vedas, the ancient treasure-house of Divine Knowledge. He had taken a long and deep immersion into the perennial stream which quenched his thirst and filled his soul with indescribable solace. He had wandered long and far and wide in dismay before he visioned the light, the light of true and virgin Dharma, as revealed in the Vedas. He was Parivrajaka (a homeless preacher-prince), and the whole humanity was his congregation. He declared that the Vedas were for the lowliest of the low and for the highest of the high. They were the fountain-head from which flowed the nectar of eternal virtue and true knowledge in a never-dying stream to slake the thirst of all children-the babes and grown-ups of the Divine Mothers. To this fountain-head of peace and purity he invited the misguided mankind and asked them to quench their thirst. This was his mission and for this he lived and died.
As a transparent and pure stream flowing from the silver-white snows gets adulterated in its downward march with muddy streamlets and dirty drains which polluted its purity, so had this eternal streams of Divine Lore become polluted with streamlets of diverse human errors. Rishi Dayanand saw this and saw even much more. There had been commentators and interpreters who had grossly misinterpreted the Veda. It was, therefore, his mission to interpret the Veda in a proper and genuine manner.
The commentaries of Sayana, Skand, Venkata, Mahidhara, etc., are of recent times. All of them belong to a time later than Yaska's, according to Dayanand ji these commentaries were gross misinterpretations. He based his commentary on the Nirukta, Mahabhashya, and Ashtadhyayi and rejected all other commentaries. His interpretations are based mainly on the etymological method.
All this explains the importance of Dayanand and his great work, the Rigvedadi-Bhashy-Bhumika, which are presenting to you all people. We are sure the modern Vedic scholar in Bharata as well as in the other countries will be benefited greatly by this work.
This work will assist the critical scholars as well as laymen in their studies of the Vedas, particularly its theme and method of interpretation; and secondly, to furnish them with the technical, historical and other cognate matters, relevant to their critical and comparative study.
Hope our this effort of android application of Rigvedadi-Bhashy-Bhumika, , the epoch making book in the religious world may intrigue the reader to read the book from cover to cover & may revives the heart of every individual who reads.
Android application of Rigvedadi-Bhashy-Bhumika, is conceptualize by Vedickranti.in and team.
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Some of the key features of this application are :
• Book is in Hindi language.
• Read book offline after install it.
• When flip you can hear the flipping sound meanwhile, also you can shut it down.
• Every page has its small thumbnail which is listed bottom horizontally on the buttons "Previous" and "Next” or only leftward or rightward arrows.
• Click previous and next button to flip page.
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• Press and slide corner to flip page.
• (Goto option)To jump on random page,click on page number shown in black box and enter page number in popup window.
• You can directly visit the particular chapter of the book from index page.
• Bookmark, When you open apps next time it will open last reading page.
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by E####:
"वेदों की और लोटो " में यह app बहुत ही मददगार है अगर इस से हम व्हाट्स अप और फेसबुक पर शेयर भी कर पाते तो और भी अच्छा होता...