About LOL看图猜英雄
史上最变态、最坑爹、最自虐的英雄联盟猜图游戏。每张图片都代表一个英雄,玩家通过各种搞笑、无节操的图片,来猜图片具体代表了LOL中的哪个英雄。游戏囊括了英雄联盟的所有英雄,大胸?菊花?你都知道是谁吗?快来和小伙伴一起来一发吧! History of the most perverted, most pit father, the most masochistic League guessing game map. Each image represents a hero, the player through a variety of funny, unchaste pictures, images specific to guess which represents the hero LOL. Games include all heroes, big chest League hero? Daisy? You all know who that is? Come and small partners together out of it!