129 Hiasan Dinding & Tembok for Android
Memajang hiasan dinding bukan sekedar memalu paku ke dinding dan menggantung hiasan berbingkai. Agar tampil elegan, perlu tengok kanan-kiri lebih dulu, sebelum “memarkirkan” hiasan dinding ke tembok rumah.
Fungsi hiasan dinding sangat beragam. Utamanya tentu saja fungsi estetika. Sebuah lukisan, misalnya, dapat memberi nuansa baru atau berbeda bagi sebuah ruangan dengan biaya relatif murah (bandingkan dengan mengganti perabot!).
Atau apabila senang mengumpulkan kalender dengan foto-foto indah, juga bisadigunting kemudian dipasangkan pigura. Ingin mengenang ibu atau nenek yang jago menyulam atau membuat kristik? Bingkai saja salah satu hasil karya mereka—bisa taplak atau sapu tangan—dan pajang di ruang tamu
House with nice interior design and interesting can make its inhabitants linger in it. Moreover, today many houses were built on land that is not so wide. Especially minimalist homes are built in a housing complex. With a land that is not more than 200 many square meters, the house built must be designed in such a way so that it can be a comfortable dwelling and could give the impression area for the residents. The interior design of the house with a minimalist style is now becoming one of the options that attracted many people because of its simplicity.Wall hangings displaying not just hammering a nail into the wall and hang ornaments framed. In order to look elegant, it needs to look right and left first, before the "parked" wall hangings to the walls of the house.
Wall hangings very diverse functions. The main course aesthetic function. A painting, for example, can give a new or different shades for a room with relatively low cost (compared to replacing the furniture!).
Or if you like to collect a calendar with beautiful photographs, also bisadigunting then paired frame. Want to remember your mother or grandmother who is good embroider or make a stitch? Frame only one of their works-could cloths or handkerchiefs-and shelf in the living room