78 Resep Jamur Spesial

78 Resep Jamur Spesial Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by Anisa_Studio


About 78 Resep Jamur Spesial

Jamur kuping kaya zat besi, protein, polisakharida, vitamin dan mineral. Kali ini saya ingin berbagi resep salad yang gampang banget dibuat, nikmati selagi hangat ataupun saat sudah dingin tetap enak lho :) #ChineseFoodFes

Bahan-bahan :

-Jamur Kuping Hitam 300 gram
-Garam 1 sendok teh
-Kecap Asin 2 sendok teh
-Kaldu Ayam Bubuk 1 sendok teh
-Minyak Wijen 2 sendok teh
-Cuka 3 sendok teh
-Cabai (Cabe) Rawit Merah 3 butir
-Wortel 1 potong
-Daun Bawang 1 batang
-Air secukupnya

Cara membuat :

1. Didihkan air, beri garam, rebus jamur kuping selama 3 menit, lalu angkat dan tiriskan
2. Campurkan semua bahan saus
3. Taruh jamur kuping yg sudah direbus ke dalam wadah tuangi saus dan aduk sampai rata
4. Sajikan di piring saji dengan taburan daun bawang dan irisan wortel

-berjalan secara offline / tanpa koneksi internet
-ukuran file kecil
-dapat digunakan diberbagai versi android Mushroom is rich in iron, protein, polisakharida, vitamins and minerals. This time I want to share a salad recipe that is easy for me made, enjoy while warm or cold when it's still bad you know :) #ChineseFoodFes

Ingredients :

-Jamur Ear Black 300 gram
-Garam 1 teaspoon
-Kecap Asin 2 teaspoons
-Kaldu Chicken powder 1 teaspoon
-Oil 2 teaspoons sesame
-Cuka 3 teaspoons
-Cabai (Cabe) Red Rawit 3 point
-Wortel 1 piece
-Daun Onion 1 stick
-Enough water

How to make :

1. Boil the water, with salt, boiled mushroom for 3 minutes, then remove and drain
2. Combine all the sauce ingredients
3. Place the mushroom that has been boiled into a container pour the sauce and stir until smooth
4. Serve on a serving plate with a sprinkling of chives and sliced ​​carrots

offline-walking / no internet connection
-size small file
-can be used in various versions of android

How to Download / Install

Download and install 78 Resep Jamur Spesial version 1.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.anisa.ResepJamurSpesial, download 78 Resep Jamur Spesial.apk

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