About Pantun Cinta lengkap
Pantun dari Ahamad Kholis Ahamad
aku tak mau makan belut,
yang aku mau makan nasi.
aku tak mau cinta dimulut,
yg aku mau cinta dihati
Jalan2 ke kota makau
Malamnya lanjut ke hongkong
Eh kamu yg sedang galau
Senyum dikit dong
Pantun dari Fauzan Ahmad
Apa guna berkain batik
kalo tdk dngan baju nya
apa guna berwajah cantik
kalo tidak tutup aurat nya
aduh mimin setuju banget ini
pantun dari Abi Dila
Anak tupai di pohon tinduh
Jtuh kebawah tumpuk jerami
Dari pada hidup selingkuh
Lebih baik ikut sunnah nabi
main gundu main layang-layang
cuma kamu yg aku sayang
Carilah ikan sepat
Sebelum mencari belut
Marilah kita sholat
Sebelum ajal menjemput
kalo beli soto babat
Tidak harus dihari minggu
kalo diri ingin tobat
Tidak harus mnunggu nunggu
Jika kita main pencak silat
Tubuh kita jadi kuat
Jika kita rajin sholat
Kita slamat dunia akhirat
-berjalan secara offline / tanpa koneksi internet
-ukuran file kecil
-dapat digunakan diberbagai versi android Poem of Ahamad Kholis Ahamad
I do not want to eat eel,
I want to eat rice.
I do not want love in the mouth,
that I want to love hearts
Jalan2 to the city Macau
Later that night continued to hongkong
Eh you who were troubled
Dong little smile
Poem of Fauzan Ahmad
What can I use batik berkain
if morbidly * with his shirt
what's the beautiful face
if not shut her nakedness
ouch mimin totally agree this
rhymes from Abi Dila
Kids squirrel in a tree tinduh
Jtuh down stacks of hay
From the living cheating
Better follow sunna
playing marbles play kite
only you who I love
Look for fish Sepat
Before looking for eels
Let us pray
Before his death
if purchasing tripe soup
Not to be Day of Week
if yourself want to repentance
Not having to wait mnunggu
If we play the martial arts
Our bodies are so strong
If we are diligent prayer
We Slamat afterlife
offline-walking / no internet connection
-size small file
-can be used in various versions of android
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