About Anime Titan New Wallpaper
In an age unknown, mankind is almost extinct because some of humanity is preyed on by a creature called Titan. The remaining humanity survives in an area surrounded by three layers of wall named (starting from the outermost) Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina, each of which has a wall about 50 meters tall which is unlikely to be achieved only by Titan Has a maximum height of 15m. In the year 845, something surprising happened, there was no rain no rain suddenly emerged a Titan who was 60m titan Titan is Titan Kolosal. Titan Kolosal easily destroyed the door of the Wall of Mary which caused many Titan 8-15m tall to get into Wall Maria with ease, This causes the inhabitants of Wall Maria had to flee to Wall Wall Wall.
Among the displaced Wall Maria residents was a boy named Eren Jaegar who saw his own mother die being eaten by a smiling Titan. Her mother's death made Eren vow to finish all the Titans on earth by becoming a soldier and entering the Scout Legion despite her mother's opposition before her death. 5 years have passed, Eren, Mikasa and Armin have entered members of Scout Legion.
Characters available in Titan Anime applications include:
Armin ARLERT, Eren YEAGER, Mikasa ACKERMAN, Annie LEONHARDT, Aurou BOSSARD, Bertholdt FUBAR, Christa RENZ, Conny SPRINGER, Dot PYXIS, Erd GIN, Erwin SMITH, Female Titan, Gunter SHULZ, Hanje ZOE, Hannes, Jean KIRSCHTEIN, Levi, Marco BODT, Petra RAL, Reiner BRAUN, Sasha BRAUS
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