SD Tester for Android
Will only test your internal 'sd card' i.e. your INTERNAL flash so not very usefull
Only tests the internal flash of your device, not the sd card.
Wildly inaccurate speeds shown. Shows 'write' speed faster than 'read' speed. This is impossible.
Only does my internal memory. Not sd memory...
Only tests the internal flash of your device, not the sd card.
1 Major Prob, 2 Minor… 1 So-so. Major: the app should be called "Internal SD Speed Tester", because that's what it does over and above what every device's main Settings can tell its owner. Got nothing to do with external SD. Minor: the fact the image representing space used/space free looks backwards: space free is dark green, space used is very light grey, almost white (?!), and the fact speeds are also backwards from conventional: write speed is listed first, followed by read speed. So-so: results for read/write speeds vary wildly, but I put this under "so-so" because (a) I don't believe this to be the fault of the app, but (b) to allow for it, the dev should've made the quantities of data being read and written (and thus the accuracy of the results) significantly greater— as it stands both reading and writing are tested within 10 seconds, this is not a plus in this case. To compensate, I ran 10 tests and logged the results, then I eliminated the 2 highest and the 2 lowest results in both the reading and writing results, and finally I averaged the 6 remaining test results, again in both read and write categories. Doing that yielded averages that made sense, comparable to what you might expect from a HDD—72 MB/s for read, 56 MB/s for write—but unless you really need to know this, the app is more trouble than it's worth, on the whole giving the impression of not really having been thought out.
Only registers so called 'internal' SD card.
Will only test your internal 'sd card' i.e. your INTERNAL flash so not very usefull
only internal
Cant select sd card, so app tests internal memory...
by F####:
It does not read sd card.