Aneka Resep Masakan Cina for Android
Penyiapan masakan Tionghoa untuk sehari-hari dapat singkat dan mudah, namun untuk acara formal bisa menjadi hidangan yang beragam dan meriah. Filosofi masakan Tionghoa adalah makanan harus memuaskan selera dan melengkapi rasa, betapapun sederhana bahan-bahannya.
Chinese cuisine is a culinary generated by the Chinese, both in China, as well as in overseas, including in Indonesia. The term Chinese food in mainland China also refers to the variation of all ethnicities, religions and traditions that developed in the country. However, Chinese cuisine are introduced to many nations in the world is the majority Han ethnic cuisine. The influence of Han ethnic dishes in every culinary eastern countries and spread outside the community-the community throughout the world.Preparation of Chinese food for everyday can be short and easy, but for a formal event can be diverse and festive dishes. The philosophy of Chinese food is the food must satisfy the tastes and complement the flavors, no matter how simple the ingredients.