About CoinGle
CoinGle is a social collector tool.
Collectors can manage and share collections with their friends in an easy and fast way, as well as, contribute to the current coin database creating their own coins, that will be shared with all users.
Currently, it already includes several countries and coins: Germany, Spain, EE.UU., Euro, Dollar,...
Coins can be imported in a collection by means of a CSV file with the format specified in the help.
Quality control management of collection included coins is also implement, allowing a user to keep count of the different qualities of a same coin inside a collection.This option can be set to automatic in order to avoid annoying requests
Collector can create any collection in order to keep a subset of coins, selecting between different options shown in the available filters when a collection is created: country, coin, start year, end year,..... Then users are allowed to create a collection of euros starting in 2012 for all countries or a collection for all coins of E.E.U.U. between 1980 and 1999.
Furthermore, coins already not present in database can be added for users and automatically they will appear in the corresponding collections (inside collection range)
Collections are safely stored in cloud, and after removing application data or mobile migration they can be restored.