About Web bot
Imagine being able to predict the future trends of humanity just by using a computer or a piece of very powerful online-based software…
Well, you’re in luck!
The Web Bot is taking the Internet by storm, and everyone is talking about its fascinating predictions. It’s an Internet-based program that uses algorithms while scanning the Internet for data, looking for trends and patterns.
How Does it Work?
In simplistic terms, the Web Bot is software that is based on the Internet. It’s hardly new, having been created in 1997, with the original purpose to predict stock market trends.
The Internet bot analyses news, media, articles, blogs, and other varieties of online content, then looks for keywords and places a numeric value to each one found.
When a word is given a numeric value, it is based on certain emotional quantifiers. These may include impact, intensity, and other quantifiers, which change in their numeric value based on how humanity is communicating about certain topics and tension on an emotional level.
Data, trends, and patterns are then obtained and interpreted into reports, which are then made available to subscribers.
Who created this amazing piece of fortune telling software, you ask…? Well, his name is Clif High, along with his assistant George Ure, and they are keeping the software and its algorithms top secret.
You can see Clif High talk about Web Bot’s revelations on Crush The Street! He explains Web Bot’s revelations for the next few years, which include Bitcoin, gold, silver, and even President Trump!