About Aplicatia
In urma scandalului iscat pe tema unei aplicatii de stiri care a raportat un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 10 grade pe scara Richter, ne-am gandit ca ar fi util sa lucram la o intreaga aplicatie care sa va spuna ca este nevoie de mai mult de o singura aplicatie de stiri.
Este nevoie de mai mult de o singura aplicatie de stiri pe telefon.
Sugeram in continuare sa folositi SI aplicatia BiziDay. Noi am construit o aplicatie la misto, gratuita, doar pentru Android, doar ca sa va spunem asta. Prostia asta a noastra este facuta prin motorul Andromo. Nici macar reclamele nu le putem controla si nu sunt ale noastre, pentru ca este gratuita. Nu vrem sa facem bani din ea.
Cu toate aceestea, aplicatia noastra functioneaza si, pe langa faptul ca a fost facuta la misto, incearca sa va ofere stiri si informatii pe bune. Stirile sunt luate de pe Newskeeper, un efort independent de a agrega presa romaneasca. Restul datelor sunt pe bune sau cel putin cat putem noi sa gasim informatii pe bune. Asa ca daca doriti sa o pastrati in lista, va multumim. Speram, in cazul in care n-am fost foarte clari, ca ar trebui s-o pastrati impreuna cu ALTE aplicatii.
PS: Moise, hai ma ca glumeam, vino inapoi. After the scandal on an application by the news that reported an earthquake measuring 10 on the Richter scale, we thought it would be useful to work on an entire application to tell you that it takes more than a the only news application.
It takes more than one news app on your phone.
SI suggest further use application BiziDay. We built an application in cool, free, for Android, just to tell you that. This shit is done by the engine of our Andromo. Even the commercials we can not control and are not ours because it is free. We were not making money from it.
Although this hugely, our app works, and besides that was made to cool, try to provide the best news and information. The news are taken from Newskeeper an effort to aggregate independent Romanian press. The remaining data are good or at least how can we find information on the best. So if you want to keep it in the list, thank you. Hopefully, if I was not very clear, that should keep it with other applications.
Thank you.
PS: Moses, let me joked that, come back.
by E####:
Does not send fake alert about catastrophes. Great function.