Saad Al Ghamidi Quran mp3 for Android
"On the off chance that your hearts are filtered, you will never feel burnt out on recounting the Quran and listening to its recitation."
Hazrat Uthman (radhiyallahu anhu)
Saad El Ghamidi is a reciter of the Quran, a scholar of Islam and an Imam born in 1967 in Dammam in Saudi Arabia. He memorized all the Koranic texts in 1990 when he was 22 years old.
Saad El Ghamidi, for his great will of the best and hopes in devotion to God did for Islamic Religious Studies (Usul Din) in the University of Shariah, where he graduated with bravery and excellence.
Encouraged by his family, and constancy and determination, he managed to learn all the Suras of the Holy Quran in a few years in 1990, and was therefore a great and legendary reciters of the Holy Quran as his contemporaries Saudis to that the number is very large.
In 1985, Saad El Ghamidi decided to take a different career that of a Muslim religious singer (That is to say Monchid in Arabic). The success was great, and takes on the scale every time it comes a new religious song.
His most famous songs are: "Gharbane", "Malakna Hadihi Donya Qorounan" and others, and fame and celebrity. Following this, it makes it a real album, which met success forehead, making his delight, and his will a real example to us all.
Similarly, he was the one who made the prayer to the great and holy mosque.
Saad El Ghamidi est un célèbre reciteur coranique originaire d’Arabie Saoudite. Il a vu le jour en l’année 1968 en Arabie Saoudite.
Saad El Ghamidi, par sa grande volonté du meilleur et ses espérances dans la dévotion de Dieu, fit des études religieuses islamiques (Oussoul Din) dans l’université de Charia, où il obtint son diplôme avec bravoure et excellence.
Encouragé par ses proches, et par constance et obstination, il réussit à apprendre toutes les Sourates du Saint Coran en quelques années seulement en l’année 1990, et en fut par conséquent un grand et légendaire réciteurs du Saint Coran comme ses contemporains Saoudiens, à qui le nombre, est très grand.
En 1985, Saad El Ghamidi pris la décision de prendre une différente carrière celle d’un chanteur religieux musulman (C’est-à-dire Monchid, en langue arabe). Le succès fut grand, et prend de l’envergure à chaque fois qu’il sort une nouvelle chanson religieuses.
Ses plus célèbres chansons sont les suivantes : "Gharbane", "Malakna Hadihi Donya Qorounan" et d’autres encore, de même renommée et célébrité. Suite à cela, il en fait un réel album, qui rencontra un front succès, faisant son grand plaisir, et de sa volonté un vrai exemple à nous tous.
De même, qu’il fut celui qui faisait la prière à la grande et sainte mosquée.
"On the off opportunity That your hearts are filtered, you will never feel burnt out on recounting the Quran recitation and listening to icts."
Hazrat Uthman (radiyallaahu anhu)
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Saad El Ghamidi is a reciter of the Quran, a scholar of Islam and an Imam born in 1967 in Dammam in Saudi Arabia. He Memorized all the Koranic texts in 1990 When He Was 22 years old.
Saad El Ghamidi, For His great will and hopes of the best in devotion to God DID for Islamic Religious Studies (Usul Din) in the University of Shariah, Where he graduated with bravery and excellence.
Encouraged by His Family, and constancy and determination, he managed to learn all the Suras of the Holy Quran in a FEW years in 1990 and Was The Therefore a great and legendary reciters of the Holy Quran as his contemporaries Saudis to que le number is very large.
In 1985 Saad El Ghamidi Decided to take a different career That of a Muslim religious singer (That is to say Monchid in Arabic). The success was great, and takes on the scale every time it comes a new religious song.
His Most Famous songs are: "Gharbane", "Malakna Hadihi Donya Qorounan" and others, and fame and celebrity. Following this, It makes it a real album, qui puts success forehead, making His delight, and his will has real example to us all.
Similarly, He Was the One Who made the prayer to the great and holy mosque.
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Saad El Ghamidi is a famous Koranic reciter from Saudi Arabia. He was born in the year 1968 in Saudi Arabia.
Saad El Ghamidi, for his great will of the best and hopes in devotion to God did for Islamic Religious Studies (Usul Din) in the University of Shariah, where he graduated with bravery and excellence.
Encouraged by his family, and constancy and determination, he managed to learn all the Suras of the Holy Quran in a few years in 1990, and was therefore a great and legendary reciters of the Holy Quran as his contemporaries Saudis to that the number is very large.
In 1985, Saad El Ghamidi decided to take a different career that of a Muslim religious singer (That is to say Monchid in Arabic). The success was great, and takes on the scale every time it comes a new religious song.
His most famous songs are: "Gharbane", "Malakna Hadihi Donya Qorounan" and others, and fame and celebrity. Following this, it makes it a real album, which met success forehead, making his delight, and his will a real example to us all.
Similarly, he was the one who made the prayer to the great and holy mosque.
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