About Maharaja Ranjit Singh
Maharaja Ranjit Singh app is about Maharaja Ranjit Singh Life and Stories. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the founder of the Sikh Empire, which came to power in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent in the early half of the 19th century. He survived smallpox in infancy but lost sight in his left eye. He fought his first battle alongside his father at age 10. After his father died, he fought several wars to expel the Afghans in his teenage years, and was proclaimed as the "Maharaja of Punjab" at age 21. His empire grew in the Punjab region under his leadership through 1839.
All information are available in hindi language. This app is for education purpose. We tried our best to make this app.
Key Features :
• This app is in Hindi language
• This is offline app and once you download you no need any internet connection
• App size is very small
• Easy to use
Disclaimer : This is a free app for educational purpose only. The contents are used in this app are freely available on the internet. If you own any of the content and do not want to us by us so please send us an email at inspirational.appsworld@gmail.com
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by N####:
nice information for people who don't know Indian history