El aumento en el consumo de alimentos procesados, comida rápida, bebidas energéticas y ha dejado a muchos estadounidenses con sobrepeso, desnutrida, y en un camino rápido a la enfermedad. Sin embargo, para otros, el aumento de peso puede atribuirse al efecto de un medicamento lado, trastorno de la tiroides, u otra condición médica subyacente. Cualquiera que sea la causa, la medicina tradicional china puede ayudar a alcanzar sus objetivos de pérdida de peso.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the system of organs spleen is usually aimed at helping in weight loss. The spleen system function is properly metabolize the food we eat Qi (pronounced Chee energy) and blood. When this system is taxed (mostly of irregularities in diet, overwork, and overworry) that loses its ability to metabolize correctly and symptoms such as bloating, fatigue, weight gain and usually occur.The increased consumption of processed foods, fast food, energy drinks and has left many Americans overweight, undernourished, and a quick way to disease. However, for others, weight gain can be attributed to a drug side effect, thyroid disorder or other underlying medical condition. Whatever the cause, traditional Chinese medicine can help achieve your weight loss goals.