Sholawat Wafiq Azizah Mp3 for Android
Mengaku hobi bershalawat sejak kecil, Wafiq Azizah belajar tilawah dari sang ayah. Untuk mengasah hobinya, ketika kelas 4 SD, sang ayah mendaftarkanya ke sebuah sanggar seni di Magelang untuk belajar sholawat dan tilawah.
Awalnya, ia mengikuti lomba shalawat dan tilawah dan mendapatkan penghargaan. Karena prestasi dan suaranya yang bagus, akhirnya ia diajak rekaman oleh seorang produser musik. “Album pertama shalawat nariyah, saat itu saya berusia 12 tahun,” kenangnya dalam wawancara khusus dengan reporter DDHK News, Lutfiana Wakhid, di Blitar Café, Hong Kong. Sampai kini ia sudah membuat 25 album, setiap album berisi 10 judul lagu.
Azizah Wafiq name, singer Wahdana, is no stranger among BMI Hong Kong shalawat lovers. HK BMI among Islamic organizations familiar with the mother of two children born in Magelang this May 4, 1987.Bershalawat admitted hobby since childhood, Wafiq Azizah learn recitations from his father. To hone his hobby, when the 4th grade, the father mendaftarkanya into an art gallery in Magelang to learn sholawat and recitations.
Initially, he followed the race and prayers and recitations and awarded. Because achievements and good voice, he finally invited to record by a music producer. "The first album shalawat nariyah, at that time I was 12," he recalled in a special interview with reporter DDHK News, Lutfiana Wakhid, in Blitar Café, Hong Kong. Until now he has made 25 albums, each album contains 10 song titles.