About I KTP(Raffi Jadi Tukang Ojek)
I KTP adalah singkatan dari Islam KTP.Aplikasi berisi lagu-lagu dari Wali Band yang menjadi sountrack film antv terbaru yang berjudul I KTP.
Berikut sinipsis singkat dari sinetron I KTP:
--I-KTP menceritakan kehidupan masyarakat di Kampung Rawa Bebek yang terletak di pinggiran Jakarta, diapit oleh pasar tradisional besar dan perumahan elite.
Di Rawa Bebek tinggalah tiga pemuda yang bersahabat sejak kecil. Mereka adalah Raymon (Ruben Onsu), si preman pasar, Fuad (Bobby Maulana) si pedagang keliling, dan Entut (Raffi Ahmad) si tukang ojek. Ketiganya kehilangan orangtua sebelas tahun yang lalu secara bersamaan akibat banjir di Rawa Bebek.
Aplikasi ini dibuat buat anda yang menyukai sinetron I KTP.Cerita I KTP sangat lucu.Bagi anda fans berat I KTP aplikasi ini sangat cocok.
-set as ringthone
-set as ni=otifications
-set as alarm default
-play in background
Download juga aplikasi lainnya:anak langit,anak sekolahan,goblin,forevermore,kampung duku,lonceng cinta,dev sona,janji suci vidya,harapan cinta,berkah cinta dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. I KTP is an abbreviation of Islam KTP.Aplikasi containing songs from Wali Band which became a movie sountrack latest quiz titled I KTP.
Here's a brief sinipsis of the soap opera I KTP:
--I-KTP tell the life of people in Kampung Rawa Bebek located on the outskirts of Jakarta, flanked by a large traditional markets and elite housing.
In Rawa Bebek, there lived three young men who are friends since childhood. They are Raymon (Ruben Onsu), the civilian market, Fuad (Bobby Maulana) muleteer, and Entut (Raffi Ahmad) the motorcycle taxi drivers. The three orphaned eleven years ago at the same time due to flooding in Rawa Bebek.
This application is made for those of you who like a soap opera I KTP.Cerita I KTP very lucu.Bagi you a big fan I KTP this application is perfect.
ringthone-set axles
otifications-set as ni =
alarm-set as default
-Play in background
Download any other application: child sky, schoolgirl, goblins, Forevermore, Duku village, the bells of love, dev sona, vidya sacred promise, hope love, blessings of love and many others.